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Stories of Impact

Children's, fathers', and families' lives are being changed across the nation because of NFI's fatherhood programs and resources. Review the many videos below showing changed lives.


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24:7 Dad® Program

24:7 Dad®, NFI's flagship evidence-based program,has been used across the nation for decades to help fatherhood leaders train dads with the skill-building resources they need to be better fathers and husbands/partners. Below are stories of impact from our partners across the country that use this life-changing program. They are simply a sampling of the stories we hear about that are happening daily across the country.

InsideOut Dad® Program

InsideOut Dad®, NFI's evidence-based program for dads in corrections settings, is the most widely used, most comprehensive, evidence-based curriculum designed specifically for fathers that connects them to their families while inside prison or upon release. Watch these inspirational stories of impact and consider how you can tell your story.

Let us help you choose
the best solution for you.

If you need help choosing the best fatherhood program, training, or resources click the button below and we’ll be in touch.

Father on a swing with son and supporting images