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Father’s Day: June 18, 2023

Press Release Number: CB23-SFS.92

From the American Presidency Project, Proclamation 10417—Father's Day, 2022:

“Every year on Father's Day, we honor the men who help shape our character through their love, guidance, and devotion. Dads and father figures across the country sacrifice so much to support their families and to ensure that their children can lead fulfilling lives.

“I remember my own father, who instilled in me some of the most important values that guide me to this day. He taught me to treat all people with dignity, and that there is no higher calling than to be a good parent. He informed the way that I raised my own children—and how they continue to raise theirs. Just like my father, dads all over our country help teach their kids a sense of right and wrong that stays with them their entire lives. We owe these wonderful fathers a great deal of respect and gratitude.”

Key Stats

From Census.gov / Statistics in Schools / Resources / Fun Facts:

Note: Click on the image above for the full infographic in high resolution.

More Stats

How Many Fathers Live With Children Under 18?

Source: Current Population Survey (CPS), March and Annual Social and Economic Supplements, 2022 and earlier.

Thinking of You, Dad

Source: 2021 County Business Patterns (CBP).  

  • NAICS 444110, Home Centers
  • NAICS 444130, Hardware Stores
  • NAICS 448110, Men’s Clothing Stores
  • NAICS 451110, Sporting Goods Stores

Stay-at-Home Dads

Source: Current Population Survey (CPS), March and Annual Social and Economic Supplements, 2022.

Child-Support Payments

Source: Current Population Survey (CPS), Child Support Supplements.

From the Library

From the Newsroom  /  Stats for Stories (SFS):

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Page Last Revised - June 7, 2023
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