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24/7 Dad® Program Connects Fathers to their Children in Salem, Oregon

1 min read

Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers Melissa is the Chief Marketing Officer at National Fatherhood Initiative® (NFI). Melissa oversees the organization's marketing, communications, graphic design, and product fulfillment functions.

In Salem, Oregon, M. E. N. (Men’s Enrichment Network) will be helping fathers acquire the skills they need to be involved in their children’s lives through National Fatherhood Initiative’s 24/7 Dad® program.

The first group of 7 dads will be going through a 12-session workshop that will give them the parenting, relationship, and communication skills they need to be involved, responsible, and committed fathers.

24_7_Dad_handbookThe curriculum will be facilitated by Derrick Postell and Sterling Alexander, the Founders of M. E. N.

“NFI is excited about M. E. N.’s efforts to help fathers build their skills through the 24/7 Dad® program...research shows that a major barrier to father involvement is a lack of skills in dads, many of whom grew up without fathers in their lives. At a time when 1 in 3 children live in father-absent homes, M. E. N. should be applauded for its efforts to help dads get involved.” —Chris Brown, president of National Fatherhood Initiative.

It’s an honor to be a part of the continued efforts, in our community and beyond, helping fathers become a healthy consistent in the lives of their children and families. Men’s Enrichment Network in partnership with National Fatherhood Initiative will give the fathers in our community the tools needed to become that healthy consistent. —Derrick Postell, President, M.E.N.

Developed by fathering and parenting experts, 24/7 Dad® focuses on the characteristics that men need to be involved fathers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This community-based program helps men develop the attitudes, knowledge, and skills they need to get — and stay — involved with their children. 24/7 Dad® focuses on key fathering characteristics — like masculinity, discipline, and work/family balance — and helps men evaluate their own parenting skills, as well as their fathering role models.

The 24/7 Dad curriculum will require each man to really examine himself, his relationship with his children and the relationship with the mother of his children. If every man who enters this program is open to change, I have no doubt in my mind he will change and for the better. —Sterling Alexander, Vice-President, M.E. N.

NFI is excited to partner with M.E.N. and is excited to see the Salem, Oregon area learn the fathering skills it needs from evidence-based community programming.

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Date Published: 03/12/2014

Last Updated: 06/11/2018

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