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New Federal Rule Offers Opportunity for Fatherhood Programs

2 min read

Christopher A. Brown
Christopher A. Brown Chris serves as the President of National Fatherhood Initiative® (NFI), where he is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of NFI's strategic plan and business model, as well as its operations and fundraising efforts.

Proactively identifying creative ways to fund your fatherhood program using private and public sources is vital for program sustainability. A new rule announced recently by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) might offer an opportunity to position your program for public funding.

As of January 13, 2025, states can more easily support providing employment and training services to help noncustodial parents financially support their children. Given that the vast majority of these parents are dads, this rule could positively impact fatherhood programs in states that take advantage of the rule. As the rule states, the federal Office of Child Support Services at DHHS:

“…anticipates that many State child support agencies will purchase employment and training services by entering into contracts with public, private and community-based employment, fatherhood [emphasis added], and reentry programs, community action agencies, community colleges, or other service providers, rather than offer these services in-house, in accordance with 45 CFR 304.22, Federal financial participation in purchased support enforcement services. However, this does not preclude a child support agency from providing employment and training services to noncustodial parents directly.”

The rule lists the eligible services, emphasizes that noncustodial parents receiving the same services elsewhere aren't eligible, and allows case management as a means of service provision.

As with many new federal rules, it can take a while for complete implementation, especially when a rule involves actions states must or may take in leveraging it. You can take advantage of this time and position your fatherhood program for potential funding by taking these steps:

  1. Thoroughly reviewing the new rule to ensure you understand it generally and the eligible services specifically.
  2. Contacting your state’s child support agency to determine whether they know about the rule and, if so, will take advantage of it and contract to offer the associated services.
  3. If your state’s agency will take advantage of it and contract for services, identify the eligible services your program will provide in-house or through a new or existing partnership(s).
  4. Decide whether to apply for funding or partner with another organization that will apply and subcontract with your program.
  5. Create a plan to apply for funding that’s ready to go when your state’s agency is ready to contract!

If you’re looking for other creative ways to fund your fatherhood program, download Fundraising Tips for Father-Inclusive Efforts, our new free guide on funding from foundations and individual donors. It includes three examples of creative ways our partners fund their programs!

Do you proactively search to identify public and private funding sources for your fatherhood program?

Are you interested in more in-depth fundraising training? If so, fundraising is one of the components in our popular Father Engagement Certificate™ training. Learn more here.

Date Published: 02/11/2025

Last Updated: 02/11/2025

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