Yes, that's right. You could win an iPad. (Hey, we really like Father's Day. And contests.)
We've partnered with Fibers.com for a Father's Day t-shirt contest. Submit your design and get all your friends, family members, uncles, cousins twice removed, etc., to vote. If your design wins, you'll get a free iPad. Plus, there are plenty of other cool prizes.
And, proceeds from the winning tee will help support our programs and initiatives!
To submit a design and/or vote, visit http://www.fibers.com/contests/fathers-day-2010.And, the winners of a free copy of
Memento are (drum roll, please):
Aaron Anderson (The Princess Bride)
Dave@davestoneinc.com (Braveheart)
Tom Wolf (Mrs. Doubtfire)
Kirk (12 Angry Men)
Johnny Bravo (Pursuit of Happyness).
Email Vince by this Friday, June 4, at vdicaro@fatherhood.org to claim your prize. And thanks for answering the question...you guys have great taste in movies!